Announcement | Feb 11, 2021
Jay Sarkar, Founder President and CEO is pleased to announce that despite the many unexpected challenges we faced together with our clients, our company performed well during the year. The total confirmed backlog to date is currently larger than ever before in our history, despite our accelerated shipments in the fiscal year 2020 and the challenges we faced with the pandemic.
The world changed when the COVID-19 global pandemic arrived, by the beginning of March, we knew, like every other organization – the pandemic reality would bring an entirely new set of challenges, requiring a swift response. We committed to three very specific and clear objectives:
- To protect our people and their families;
- To continue to support our clients with high throughput; and
- Never compromise the quality of our products
Throughout the year, we sustained our commitment to delivering the highest standards of quality for our clients. We continue to implement new training, tools and technology in our pursuit of even-higher quality results for our clients.
During the year we significantly optimized and streamlined our inventory operations utilizing the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, in order to effectively support our manufacturing strategy. In addition, I am happy to report that our ERP system is successfully integrated into our operations. Our ERP system utilizes best practice standards and tools and helps our managers obtain real time statuses of project progress, track and effectively manage performance, and to develop scenarios in order to mitigate delays and more efficiently plan project tasks based on current resource allocation.
As we look ahead, we are identifying products, technologies, and services that Sartrex can diversify into, leveraging our unique manufacturing and technical capabilities. In this way, the company would transform its business using the existing business foundation to expand the domain and scope of its business.
All design and manufacturing activities happen in Canada at our local GTA facility. Sartrex operates within a 45000 sq. ft. fully integrated facility in Concord, Ontario and is registered to ISO 9001:2015, ASME NQA-1 and Z299.1/N299.2.
Our goal is to remain a global leader in custom design instrumentation and safety related technologies that are meant to safeguard the public’s health and safety. Sartrex is determined to continue to operate in a way that advances this objective, without compromise.
For details, please contact our highly experienced sales team at (905) 669-2278 ext. 227, 394 and 249 or log on to our website for further information.
Kindest regards,
Jay Sarkar, P.Eng
Founder, President & CEO
Sartrex Power Control Systems Inc.
905-669-2278 EXT: 266
Servicing the Nuclear Industry for Over 40 Years!
Announcement | February 24, 2020

Jay Sarkar, Founder President and CEO is pleased to announce the signing of the several new contracts in excess of 8.0 M. These major contracts are from New Brunswick Power, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), Bruce Power, KHNP (Korea), Sunrise (China) and others. The total confirmed backlog as on date was in excess of $13 million, despite our accelerated shipments in the fiscal year 2019.
Jay Sarkar is pleased to announce the successful installation of a very large Main Control Room Panel Simulator Project for Wolsong 3, through L3 Harris. This was a major project for us in 2019 in which 21 Simulator Panels were designed, manufactured and tested all at our local Concord Ontario facility.
During the year we significantly strengthened the number of personnel in Quality Assurance and Engineering to ensure we are adding relevant and industry leading expertise in order to manage and effectively implement our growth strategy.
In addition, we are pleased to report that our new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system was successfully integrated and implemented. In order to accommodate our scalability needs, we needed to invest in a smarter system that allows us more flexibility and more effective reporting tools to allow our staff to make thoughtful, and more dynamic decisions. Our new ERP system utilizes best practice standards and tools to help our managers obtain real time statuses of project progress, track and effectively manage supplier performance, and to develop scenarios in order to mitigate delays and more efficiently plan project tasks based on current resource allocation. In short, the investment into this ERP system provides Sartrex more sophistication and the tools to handle more work, without the risk of compromising budget, scope and timeline.
The Company is doing extremely well and as a testament, during the year Sartrex was honoured for its contributions to the Ontario and offshore nuclear industries by the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) at an event attended by distinguished luminaries from the Government and Industry.
All design and manufacturing activities happen in Canada at our local GTA facility. Sartrex operates within a 45000 sq. ft. fully integrated facility in Concord, Ontario and is registered to ISO 9001:2015, ASME NQA-1 and N299.2
Our goal is to remain a global leader in custom design instrumentation and safety related technologies that are meant to safeguard the public’s health and safety. Sartrex is determined to continue to operate in a way that advances this objective, without compromise. For details please contact our highly experienced sales team at (905) 669-2278 ext. 227, 394 and 249 or log on to our website for further information.
Jay Sarkar, P.Eng
Founder, President & CEO
Sartrex Power Control Systems Inc.
905-669-2278 EXT: 266
Servicing the Nuclear Industry for Over 40 Years!
Announcement | December 21, 2018
Jay Sarkar, Founder President and CEO is pleased to announce the signing of the several new contracts in excess of 5.0 M. These major contracts are from OPG, Bruce Power, KHNP (Korea), TQNPC (China) and others. The total confirmed backlog as of December 21st 2018 was in excess of $10 million, despite our accelerated shipments in the fiscal year 2018.
During the year, the Sartrex team successfully completed the delivery of the mission critical Startup Instrumentation System (SUIS) to Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. (KHNP). The SUIS helps the KHNP operating staff in the continuous monitoring of neutron flux, during the change of the state of the reactor (‘Approach to Critical’ or ‘Startup’). The SUIS was re-designed, and developed using the latest technology to work in demanding conditions and was manufactured conforming to the quality standards of ASME NQA1, CSA Z299.1, and ISO 9001:2015.
In addition to the above, Sartrex also successfully completed the qualification of its SDS1 and RRS systems for OPG Darlington’s Refurbishment Project. Sartrex also successfully completed the qualification of Bruce Power Unit B safety shutdown refurbishment project. All of these successful delivered projects were built to the highest and most demanding quality standards in the nuclear industry. Sartrex was able to develop these safety critical systems without any technical exceptions.
During the year, given the major projects that Sartrex was able to secure, the company invested heavily in its technology infrastructure. We implemented a new company wide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to increase organization wide efficiencies; and deployed cyber security, firewalls, crash plan procedures (including off site backups in real time) to ensure business continuity through security of data and networks.
All design and manufacturing activities happen in Canada at our local GTA facility. Sartrex operates within a 45000 sq. ft. fully integrated facility in Concord, Ontario and is registered to ISO 9001:2015, ASME NQA-1 and Z299.1
Our goal is to remain a global leader in custom design instrumentation and safety related technologies that are meant to safeguard the public’s health and safety. Sartrex is determined to continue to operate in a way that advances this objective, since we do not take this responsibility lightly.
For details please contact our highly experienced sales team at (905) 669-2278 ext. 227, 394 and 249 or log on to our website for further information.
Kindest regards,
Jay Sarkar, P.Eng
Founder, President & CEO
Sartrex Power Control Systems Inc.
905-669-2278 EXT: 266
Servicing the Nuclear Industry for Over 40 Years!
Announcement | July 11, 2018
Sartrex is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Startup Instrumentation System for Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. (KHNP).
The Startup Instrumentation System (SUIS) helps operating staff in the continuous monitoring of neutron flux, at all times during the change of the state of the reactor (‘Approach to Critical’ or ‘Startup’). The in-core and out-of-core instrumentation is divided into three independent channels to provide redundancy. The start-up instrumentation is connected into the three channels D, E, F of first shutdown system and can automatically trip the reactor if any two of the channels fail, or indicate neutron flux in excess of the trip set-point.
The Startup Instrumentation System was recently re-designed and developed by Sartrex, using the latest technology. It has been designed to work in demanding conditions.
The Startup Instrumentation System was manufactured by Sartrex as per the quality standards of ASME NQA1, CSA Z299.1, CSA N286.2 and ISO 9001:2015.
The Startup Instrumentation System underwent rigorous Electromagnetic Compatibility tests and was qualified to standards such as: IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5, IEC 61000-4-6, MIL-STD-461, CE-101, CE-102, RE-101 and RE-102
For more details please contact our highly experienced Sales / Engineering team at +1 (905) 669-2278 extensions 337 or 394
Jay Sarkar, P.Eng
Founder, President & CEO
Sartrex Power Control Systems Inc.
Announcement | January 25, 2018
Jay Sarkar, President and CEO is pleased to announce the signing of the two major contracts and many others in excess of $3.0 M. These two major contracts were received from Bruce Power and KHNP. With great pride I am pleased to announce our back log of confirmed orders stands at $8.5 M and growing.
In light of our continuous growth, Sartrex has recently invested very heavily into its production infrastructure. The investments mainly include implementation of a new company wide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, cyber security firewalls, crash plan procedures (including off site backups in real time), a rebranding of Sartrex’s website and an overall staff increase by 10%.
In order to meet the growing needs of our clients, it was necessary for our team to ensure that the quality first culture we fostered would not be compromised as a result of this growth. It was thus essential for me and my team to ensure we have the necessary tools and skilled people within our organization to help with evolution.
All design and manufacturing activities occur in Canada at our local GTA facility. Sartrex operates within a 45000 sq. ft. fully integrated facility in Concord, Ontario and registered for ISO 9001, ASME NQA-1 and Z299.1 (Upgraded to Z299.1 in Jan 2018)
Our goal is to remain a global leader in custom design instrumentation and safety related technologies that are meant to safeguard the public’s health and safety. Sartrex is determined to operate in a way that advances this objective, since we do not take this responsibility lightly.
For details please contact our highly experienced sales team at (905) 669-2278 ext. 227, 394 and 249 or log on to our website
Kindest regards,
Jay Sarkar, P.Eng.
President & CEO
Sartrex Power Control Systems Inc
Announcement | November 28, 2017
November 28, 2017
Jay Sarkar President & CEO is pleased to announce the signing of several orders in excess of $3.2M. The confirmed orders are from KHNP (South Korea), TQNPC (China), Bruce Power (Ontario), OPG and other power generation utilities. Our confirmed order by booking stands in excess of $6.0M and majority of the orders are scheduled to be shipped in fiscal year 2018. Our shipment / revenue for the fiscal year 2017 has increased by almost 40% compared to previous year.
We are also pleased to report that the mega project from L3 MAPPS has been successfully completed to the full satisfaction of L3 MAPPS and KHNP. The panels are being packaged and will be shipped to its final destination before end of year 2017.
Sartrex has leveraged its expertise with nuclear industries and diversified its products to include numerous monitoring systems, amplifiers, control panels, simulators and various others to military, navy and other related industries with great success.
Our stringent assurance methodology along with our world class engineers, technologists, scientists allow us to design cutting edge technology products for nuclear and military industries. We continually strive to assist our customers in manifesting conceptual designs into tangible solutions, which are aimed to pass the most stringent qualification requirements. Our expertise and capabilities includes design, development and qualification of analog / digital modules and amplifiers, power supplies and many other instrumentation and control sub systems. Our capabilities are as follows in addition to the above.
• Testing and calibration
• Aging Management
• Commercial grade dedication (CGD)
• Parts sourcing, obsolescence and counterfeit detection
• Experts in seismic, EMI / EMC, environmental qualification and LOCA test
Our goal is to remain a global leader in custom designed instrumentation and safety related solutions with the aim to safeguard the public’s health and safety.
For details please contact our highly experienced sales team at (905) 669-2278 ext 227, 394 and 249 or log on to our website
Kindest Regards,
Jay Sarkar P. Eng
President & CEO
Sartrex Power Control Systems Inc
Announcement | February 17, 2017
Jay Sarkar, President & CEO is pleased to announce the signing of several orders in excess of $2.5M including orders from KHNP, OPG, Bruce Power and other utilities. Our confirmed backlog at present stands at $8.2M, despite our accelerated shipments in the fourth quarter of 2016.
Mr. Sarkar is pleased to report that our autonomous UAV development project is at an advanced stage. The UAV when fully developed and tested will have application in the nuclear, military and aviation industries.
We have also entered into partnership agreements with Universities to further diversify our technology base.
As a part of our growth strategy, we have committed to large capital investments for the expansion of our assets and capabilities. This includes equipment, people, and infrastructure to support our targeted growth objectives. Key milestones are expected to be reached in the second quarter of this year.
Sartrex’s dedicated management / technology teams are always looking for new innovative methodologies to improve the quality / workmanship which must be embedded at every level of the value chain, in order to deliver best of breed products and services to our valued customers.
Sartrex – a high tech scientific instrumentation company has a long track record of catering to the nuclear power plants, military and security markets globally.
Our goal is to remain as a global leader in custom designed instrumentation and safety related technologies.
For details, please contact our highly experienced sales and marketing team at (905) 669-2278 ext. 227 or 249 or you can visit our website
Company Update – May 31, 2016
Jay Sarkar, President and CEO of Sartrex Power Control Systems is pleased to announce the recent signing of several contracts worth in excess of $5.5 Million. The scope of these confirmed orders are for Control Panel Simulators, Ion Chambers, Trip Test Amplifiers and health Physics Monitoring Systems from various utilities and Power Plants globally.
With the acquisition of these orders, Sartrex current production backlog stands in excess of $8.5 Million, which is the largest confirmed backlog since the inception of Sartrex.
We are pleased to announce that Sartrex has entered into a few partnerships with Federal, and Provincial governments of Canada and Universities to further diversify of our competencies technology base.
Sartrex has invested a lot of capital in seeking out expertise to ensure that our design and manufacturing capacity is scalable to accommodate our growing business without sacrificing our high quality and workmanship.
Sartrex has a dedicated team to ensure that superior performance and reliability is embedded at every level of the value chain in order to deliver the best possible products and services to our customers.
Sartrex is a high tech. scientific instrumentation company catering to the Nuclear Power Plants, Military and Security markets globally.
Our goals are to remain as a global leader in custom designed instrumentation and safety related technologies.
For details, please contact our highly experienced Sales and Marketing team at (905) 669-2278 ext. 227 or 249 or you can log onto
Announcement | June 5th, 2015
I, Jay Sarkar, President & CEO of Sartrex Power Control Systems Inc is pleased to report the signing of several large contracts in excess of $3.3M. Major orders received from KHNP, China, ES Fox, Romania and other utilities.
With the acquisition of these orders our current production backlog stands at $4.1M with our second quarter shipments significantly higher than its previous quarter.
I am also pleased to announce that Sartrex has entered into several partnership agreements with universities to further diversify our safety related portfolio. Sartrex has also invested a lot of time and effort to ensure that our design and production capacity is scalable to accommodate our growing business, without sacrificing our high quality design and manufacturing standards.
I am also pleased to report that presently Sartrex is in critical stage of several negotiations with various utilities for refurbishment projects. We are also working with Federal and Provincial Governments for research related projects to further our technology base.
Our loyal and dedication team is committed to ensuring that superior performance and reliability are embedded at every level of the value chain in order to deliver the best possible product and service to our customers. At Sartrex, every member understands that it is not just the responsibility of our QA team to uphold our quality vision, but it is the responsibility of everyone.
Our goal is to remain as a global leader in instrumentation and safety related technologies and looking for ways to improve and bring forth value to our quality management system.
For details please contact our highly experienced sales team at (905) 669-2278 ext 227 or 249 or you can log into our website at
Announcement – October 29, 2014
Jay Sarkar, President & CEO is pleased to announce the signing of several orders in excess of $2.0M, most of which was received from KHNP (South Korea), Romania and other utilities overseas.
With the acquisition of these orders, our confirmed backlog stands at $4.5M and growing, with our first quarter fiscal year shaping to be the best in our history.
I am pleased to announce that recently Sartrex has entered into a partnership agreement with McMaster University to further diversify our safety related portfolio. In addition to furthering our competencies with newer and evolving technology, Sartrex has spent a great deal of time ensuring that our production capacity is scalable enough to accommodate our growing business.
With increased business activities we have restructured our organization to give greater leverage to our dedicated staff and offer opportunities for the growth.
Our dedicated and focused staff is committed to providing the best engineered quality products. In order to accomplish this, Sartrex has recently been qualified as an IPC A-610E Training Facility. In addition to obtaining certification to the best practices in our field, we are routinely performing random internal audits to ensure that all members of our Sartrex staff understand that is not only the responsibility of our QA team, but rather the responsibility of everybody in our plant to uphold our quality objectives.
Our goal is to remain as a global leader in instrumentation and safety related technologies. We are continuously looking for ways to improve and bring further value to our quality management system and look forward to continuing to bring immense value to highly demanding, safety-critical system markets.
For details please contact our experienced sales team at (905) 669-2278 ext 266 or 227 or log onto our website at